
Area: 2 717 300 square km
Climate: extreme continental
Average temperature: in winter: -13 °C, in summer: + 25 °C
Population: 14,9 millions, more than 100 ethnic groups
Main religions: Islam and Christian orthodox
Official language: Kazakh, Russian (working language)
National currency: tenge (KZT)
Capital: Astana city 
Time: GMT+6
Electric power: 220 V AC, 50 amp; standard two-pin plug socket
Domain zone: .kz

About country

Kazakhstan is a beautiful country presented in encyclopedias and reference books as a semi desert and steppe region. But it’s true only in part. The territory of the country is huge, it is the ninth largest in the world and second among the ex Soviet republics by area. Kazakhstan has all climate zones – deserts and semi deserts, steppes and forests, beautiful lakes and rivers. The republic occupies the vast space between the Caspian in the west and the river Irtysh and Altai Mountains in the east. In the north Kazakhstan borders with western Siberia, in the south – with the hot deserts of Turan and with the highest mountain ranges of Tian Shan and Djungaria. Its territory varies from the Caspian lowland that is 28 below sea level (a hollow Karagie on the eastern coast is even l32 m lower) to the altitude 7010m (the peak Khan Tengri).

The flora and fauna of Kazakhstan are incredibly rich. There are more than 6000 plant species, 172 animal species, 490 bird species, 50 reptile species, 12 amphibian species, about 100 fish species, 100 000 insect species. Some species of plants and animals can be seen only here, most of them are entered into the International Red Book.

Kazakhstan has an interesting history. Great Scythian warriors fought here for their independence, the Great Silk Way passed through this region, which has made some towns known to the world like the legendary Otrar, ancient Taraz, majestic Turkestan.
Beautiful landscapes, diversity of flora and fauna give unlimited possibilities for organizing tours for any taste.

The southern capital of Kazakhstan is the city of Almaty with a population of 1.5 million which is situated at the northern foot of the mountain range Zailisky Alatau, whose slopes are covered by splendid fir forests and the tops with glaciers. Just 100-200 km away from the mountain peaks start deserts of clay, crushed stone and sand. The city is the centre where all the main road of Almaty region meet, and from where you can get to any place in Kazakhstan and the world.