Rock carvings - Tamgaly tour
Tamgaly in Kazakh - drawings. At the end of the 50s in the tract Tamgaly was accidentally discovered a unique place with rock paintings of an unknown civilization. Gallery petroglyphs left unturned three and a half thousand years ago. Mysterious civilization lived there, had disappeared, leaving us more than 4000 drawings. Mysterious ancestors in the drawings on the rocks painted his whole life and outlook. This is truly an ancient art gallery in the open air, in the pictures which shows how individual animals and people, and the whole scene from the life of ancient people.
The total duration of the tour (approximately) - 6 hours. Of these, 2 hours sightseeing.
Possible Transportation: 4x4 auto, motorcycle (enduro)
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Botasaz plateau tour
Botasaz plateau is located 40 km from the city of Almaty. By the extraordinary beauty of the mountain plateau leads hidden from the layman serpentine. Majestic spaces and beautiful views give you a lot of positive impressions. You will enjoy the beautiful view of the plateau along with the views of the traditional way of life of nomads. At your request, you can stay in the tent and enjoy the taste of traditional dishes made from organic products.
Transportation: 4x4, motorcycles, ATV. Duration 2 hours (Factory-Almaty Almaty) 5 hours tour on the plateau.
The total duration of the tour (approximately): 7 hours. Of these, 5 hours on the plateau.
Possible Transportation: 4x4 cars, quad (ATV), motorcycle (enduro)
The territory of the Altyn-Emel is intended for preservation of rare species of animals and plants, which can vsterit during the tour. One of the attractions - Singing Dunes, sand in dry weather which produces a sound similar to the organ melody. Seen 700 year old willow. Also, you can see the amazing mountains Katutau and Aktau, and many historical and archaeological sites VIII- III centuries. BC
The total duration of the tour - 2 days.
Possible Transportation: Car 4x4 ATV (ATV 4x4), (enduro)
Additional amenities in Altyn-Emel: accommodation for the night in a guest house or tents. Meal - national, European cuisine.
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The two-day tour "Not for children sandpit - Taukum desert!"
Taukum - sandy area in Central Asia (Kazakhstan). Located in the Balkhash-Alakol basin, south of Lake Balkhash and Ili River. An area of about 10,000 km2. 240 km length, width from 40 to 60 km. Is characterized by ridges and hilly-ridge sands covered with sagebrush saltwort (less sagebrush cereal or shrub) vegetation. The height of the sand dunes up to 10-15 meters. The route will be very interesting to fans of the sandy terrain. Accommodation at the recreation center.
The total duration of the tour: 2 days
Possible Transportation: Car 4x4 ATV (ATV 4x4x), motorcycle (enduro)
Additional services recreation Altyn Dala: accommodation for the night in a hotel, double cabins or tents. Fishing. Bath. Meal - national, European cuisine.
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The two-day tour "Assy Plateau!"

Asa plateau - a paradise on earth. Blue sky and green meadows. This place nature has created for rest and relaxation. Assy plateau, known since ancient times as a summer pasture, originates near the river Kishi-Turgen. The plateau is located at the height 2800-3200 meters. Here found signs of human presence in more than 5,000 years ago, as a nomadic and sedentary zhizni.V top of the plateau is built Astrophysical Observatory, one of the largest telescopes in the world. High plateau goes to the east, along the river Assy, and on the embossed value has great athletic prospects in terms of creating a world-class ski resort.
!. The route will be very interesting to fans of mountain terrain. Accommodation at the recreation center.
The total duration of the tour: 2 days.
Possible Transportation: Car 4x4 ATV (ATV 4x4x), motorcycle (enduro)
Additional services: accommodation for the night in the tent or tents. Horseback riding. Bath. Meal - national cuisine.
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The two-day tour "Kaindy Lake and Kolsai Lake"
Kaindy - lake in Kazakhstan, a popular tourist spot in one of the gorges Kungei Alatau. Despite the low temperature of the water, the lake Kaindy popular with divers. The main attraction of the lake is eaten, rising out of the sea. The lake is often called the "dead" - it is not good for fishing. The maximum depth of the reservoir for 2014 - 21 metr.Ozero formed by an earthquake in 1910. In the 1980s, the area of the lake has decreased after the passage of floodwaters. In February 2007, a decree was passed to establish a national park in the territory of which applies Lake Kaindy.
The total duration of the tour: 2 days.
Possible Transportation: Car 4x4 ATV (ATV 4x4x), motorcycle (enduro)
Additional services: accommodation for the night in a guest house, yurts or tents. Meal - national cuisine.
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